Thursday, July 21, 2011

A few pictures from the border.

I want to start by telling all Americans, and the world, that the situation on the American/Mexican border qualifies as a low intensity conflict (a little war).  You can agree or disagree with the politics of it all but nobody can disagree on that fact.  That being said, I can't see how anybody except a someone who was an outright communist of the Stalinist brand or someone in the employ of the drug cartels would be for keeping the border the way it is.  Well, I've seen it all for myself and now I'm here to share a few pictures with you. 

 This first set of pictures are of a shack we located right before we caught up with 3 narcos.  No shots fired on this occassion.  We checked it again a night later.


And thats the guy who wrote Cruel New World.  I guess I'm a particular kind of author who doesn't live in a fantasy world.  What I experience in the field goes straight into my books. 

 This guy below was near death when we rescused him.  He had been with another two whom we'd rescued earlier.  All of them were out of water but this guy was in the worst shape.  He would have been just another pile of drying bones if we hadn't come along.  I'm sure he'll be feeling great and back to smuggling drugs again in no time!

This cat on the left is wearing a hat depicting the saint of smugglers.  I guess his saint had the day off, huh?  These two tried to bribe us not to call BEP.  First they held a Bible out at us, then offered cash, then drugs.  BEP took them and their dope into custody.  Complete cartel scum bags. 

This is a popular perch for narco spotters. 

This is another one.

This is me right after we had our first blown tire. This added hours to an already lengthy patrol.

Here's a truck load of dope that men from my team intercepted.  Some estimates put the value at over a million bucks.  The local cops helped out with this one. 

Group shot of about half the people there.  This didn't include base camp staff. 
That's all for now!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Just got back!

Hi everybody!  I just got back from working with a rescue team and promoting my book, Cruel New World, along the US/Mexican border.  I donated 5 books to the US Border Guard and they handed them out to each team.  There was a lot of talk about the book and everyone seemed to really like it.  The book really seems to be taking off.

Here's me about to go out for a night out.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Cruel New World review by Wyatt Kaldenberg

Cruel New World

Christopher Drake’s The Cruel New World is the first book in a series of action novels about rural folks surviving in the American back country during World War Three. Communist Red China has invaded the United States of America, and a group of rednecks try their best to stay alive in a world that is imploding before them. These people aren’t heroes. They are anti-heroes. The sort of average folks you would find at a gun show, a seedy bar, or drunk at a NASCAR race. Actually, some of these folks are a bite below average and could be termed as “poor White trash” or “lowlifes," but they are the types of common people who down through history have risen in times of need and became true heroes.

Christopher Drake is a capable writer who knows well the country folks he writes about. Mr. Drake is a proletarian author in the same working class camp as the two-fisted hard drinking writers Jack London and Frank Norris. He writes from the sweaty brow of the common man.

Christopher Drake makes his people come to life. The Cruel New World gives the reader engaging characters and page turning excitement.

Christopher Drake’s The Cruel New World is a prophetic novel about things that may well come true. The realism of Mr. Drake’s fiction makes it important.

Wyatt Kaldenberg, author of Perceived Heathenism and Odinic Prayer, Odinism in the Belly of the Beast, Odinism in the Age of Man, and Odinism: The Religion of Our Germanic Ancestors in the Modern World.