I want to start by telling all Americans, and the world, that the situation on the American/Mexican border qualifies as a low intensity conflict (a little war). You can agree or disagree with the politics of it all but nobody can disagree on that fact. That being said, I can't see how anybody except a someone who was an outright communist of the Stalinist brand or someone in the employ of the drug cartels would be for keeping the border the way it is. Well, I've seen it all for myself and now I'm here to share a few pictures with you.
And thats the guy who wrote Cruel New World. I guess I'm a particular kind of author who doesn't live in a fantasy world. What I experience in the field goes straight into my books.
This guy below was near death when we rescused him. He had been with another two whom we'd rescued earlier. All of them were out of water but this guy was in the worst shape. He would have been just another pile of drying bones if we hadn't come along. I'm sure he'll be feeling great and back to smuggling drugs again in no time!

Here's a truck load of dope that men from my team intercepted. Some estimates put the value at over a million bucks. The local cops helped out with this one.
Group shot of about half the people there. This didn't include base camp staff.
That's all for now!
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