So far the people who have read over the rough draft of this book say that it is a better book than the first Cruel New World book. However, I feel like what they like about it is the fact it is a more serious-natured book. I don't think this fact makes it a better, just different. Right now, I'm about 75% of the way done with the book, not counting adding in chapters which could stand on their own as short stories.
The big difference between the first Cruel New World book(s) and Baron of the Coast is time frame. In Baron of the Coast, the war has happened, more or less over with and the world has kept spinning. Feudalism is slowly giving way to capitalism again, as the communist see it. The US government is still around but they aren't strong enough to hold together the now balkanized United States. Now a rush it on to grab as much power as can be held by warlords, pirate kings and the like. That is the setting. The people who are going to run the show from there on out are getting set up versus full scare war across the US.
Friday, December 30, 2011
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Page 105 of Baron of the Coast
My story about the early life of a post WWIII pirate king is really coming along. I started on it last week and already it is half done. Yes, it is a Cruel New World book, set in that universe but it is 10 or 15 years after the height of the war. I'm giving everybody a break from Mitch and Wade for a while even though I think I'll turn this book over to another editor and see if I can't get it out ahead of the second CNW book. The second CNW book is well over 500 pages long and there is no way it will be through the editing process anytime soon, I imagine.
This book flows differently than the others and is written in first person. Unlike the first CNW book, this one isn't loosely based on anyone I know. But this book can stand on it's own more easily too. You don't have to know what the first CNW book was about to get what is going on in Baron of the Coast. The second CNW book (not yet titled) is fairly dependant on the reader at least having an idea about what happened in the first one. But I feel like enough people read the first CNW book to know what to expect for a part 2. I might add a little more background to it when the time comes, who knows?
Baron of the Coast is about a lot of things besides just a rising pirate king. It is about the illusion of freedom and the frailty of material wealth inside a blossoming police state. It is about how someone works hard to define himself rather than let those who dislike them do it for him. The book is also about leadership: what happens when you have too much and not enough. The book is a lot more action packed CNW and packs more of a punch page for page.
And you can always expect my books to be relatively crammed full of after-the-bomb knowledge I'm collected in my head over the years, as well as field craft I've learned or had the luxury of being taught.
As far as politics go, there is some in this book but not nearly like what you'll see when the second CNW comes out. I might post exerts from both books on this blog as time goes by.
This book flows differently than the others and is written in first person. Unlike the first CNW book, this one isn't loosely based on anyone I know. But this book can stand on it's own more easily too. You don't have to know what the first CNW book was about to get what is going on in Baron of the Coast. The second CNW book (not yet titled) is fairly dependant on the reader at least having an idea about what happened in the first one. But I feel like enough people read the first CNW book to know what to expect for a part 2. I might add a little more background to it when the time comes, who knows?
Baron of the Coast is about a lot of things besides just a rising pirate king. It is about the illusion of freedom and the frailty of material wealth inside a blossoming police state. It is about how someone works hard to define himself rather than let those who dislike them do it for him. The book is also about leadership: what happens when you have too much and not enough. The book is a lot more action packed CNW and packs more of a punch page for page.
And you can always expect my books to be relatively crammed full of after-the-bomb knowledge I'm collected in my head over the years, as well as field craft I've learned or had the luxury of being taught.
As far as politics go, there is some in this book but not nearly like what you'll see when the second CNW comes out. I might post exerts from both books on this blog as time goes by.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Just to clear things up a bit...
I know there are a lot of people out there who feed on Internet drama. Hey, nobody can argue the entertainment factor there. That being said, I hate to shut this facet off but let's all get something straight. I've got nothing against Mike Blevins aka Vonbluvens. As far as I know, he's got nothing against me.
I owe Mike Blevins a lot in terms of talent development. Mike helped me out a lot with my writing and encouraged me to stick with it back when my books gave people headaches to read. Same story with radio and speech making. Mike should have been a high school teacher for art, lit or history.
Have I spoken with Mike Blevins in years? No. His life went one direction and mine went another. A lot of people have serious grudges against him but I'm not one of them. Life is easier when you aren't selecting yourself for judge and jury from life's volunteer legal corp.
I take up for Mike a lot too. I feel like he does the same for me if the situation to do so crosses his path. Who knows or cares? I really don't think about Vonbluvens and the whole thing with him much except for a see our names in the same phrases a lot. I'm sure he's doing fine at whatever he's into now and doesn't worry much about street politics.
All that aside, people should take a different attitude about people who leave the nationalist scene. If someone puts in time and energy, get things done and then leaves, fine. Even if they change their opinions, the damage is done to the enemy, the good is done for the friends. As long as they don't turn on people with the intention of doing them harm, then they can do whatever they wish with their lives for all I care. I say this because I've seen a lot of good people run off or quit because of the bad people who will never quit. I think we actually force people into the other camp sometimes by this cult-like mentality of "only traitors leave." If someone gets frustrated or disheartened, they should go. Bad attitudes are infectious and Mike had a bad attitude for a long time. He needed to get on with his life and finally did. There is a lot of talk about the what, the why and the how but that is something for the message boards, not my blog. If Mike wants to clarify anything or speak his piece, he's welcome to do so on here. Nobody is going to stop him but they can debate him at length if they'd like. As long as everything is solid and legal, hey, go nuts.
Arch of Titus by Mike Blevins
I owe Mike Blevins a lot in terms of talent development. Mike helped me out a lot with my writing and encouraged me to stick with it back when my books gave people headaches to read. Same story with radio and speech making. Mike should have been a high school teacher for art, lit or history.
Have I spoken with Mike Blevins in years? No. His life went one direction and mine went another. A lot of people have serious grudges against him but I'm not one of them. Life is easier when you aren't selecting yourself for judge and jury from life's volunteer legal corp.
I take up for Mike a lot too. I feel like he does the same for me if the situation to do so crosses his path. Who knows or cares? I really don't think about Vonbluvens and the whole thing with him much except for a see our names in the same phrases a lot. I'm sure he's doing fine at whatever he's into now and doesn't worry much about street politics.
All that aside, people should take a different attitude about people who leave the nationalist scene. If someone puts in time and energy, get things done and then leaves, fine. Even if they change their opinions, the damage is done to the enemy, the good is done for the friends. As long as they don't turn on people with the intention of doing them harm, then they can do whatever they wish with their lives for all I care. I say this because I've seen a lot of good people run off or quit because of the bad people who will never quit. I think we actually force people into the other camp sometimes by this cult-like mentality of "only traitors leave." If someone gets frustrated or disheartened, they should go. Bad attitudes are infectious and Mike had a bad attitude for a long time. He needed to get on with his life and finally did. There is a lot of talk about the what, the why and the how but that is something for the message boards, not my blog. If Mike wants to clarify anything or speak his piece, he's welcome to do so on here. Nobody is going to stop him but they can debate him at length if they'd like. As long as everything is solid and legal, hey, go nuts.

Me, I almost left myself. Family life got good to me but I was bored. So I dabbled in politics from time to time but mostly concentrated on my writing. Then an old friend of mine was killed by an illegal alien and boredom was replaced with anger. And here we are now.
So anyway, there is no bad blood between Mike and I or anything else. He just doesn't talk to anybody anymore. No big deal. I hope he has a good life.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Promoting Cruel New World
This is just a note to everyone out there who is following the book. I don't promote it. There is a long story behind it and I'm just ready to get the whole experience behind me. Since I don't receive any royalties for the book and the one you are buying currently is missing an entire chapter, I don't do a thing to promote it. If you do puchase it, I guess it would serve as a little background for the other two books that have already been written but are not published yet.
It would be easy to give up on writting books at this point. I guess I was just naive and got burned for it. However, I know what to look for this time and what to avoid. Hopefully, these hard lessons learned can serve someone else in the future and keep them from making the same mistakes.
It would be easy to give up on writting books at this point. I guess I was just naive and got burned for it. However, I know what to look for this time and what to avoid. Hopefully, these hard lessons learned can serve someone else in the future and keep them from making the same mistakes.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Saiga .223/5.56
I had a chance to run one of these for the weekend and I honestly think it is a very good rifle. Is it a possible replacement for my 74? Negative. I'll start off on why it isn't.
The Saiga .223 lacked a muzzle brake. I like the brake/compensator on my 74 for a lot of reasons. It helps keep the muzzle free of obstructions, keeps the climb down and I feel like it reduces flash.
The Saiga .223 isn't something you can find a lot of affordable mags for like the AK-74. Most are around $30 and all are plastic. There is an adapter you can get for $80 which allows it to run AR mags. Thats great if it works and is reliable. My only slowness to that approach is that I don't care for the mag release system on AR's. I'm faster at changing mags on the AK platform. Maybe I'll change but I doubt it.
The Saiga .223 isn't something you can grab a parts kit for and keep running for decades that way. But in fairness, you can buy a second Saiga .223 for around $300 and just pack it away.
That is about all I could find wrong with the rifle. What was good about it? Lots.
This Saiga was covered in rails. I'm not one for overloading my rifle with accessories. Normally, a light is good enough. Weight and clearance is always a concern for me. I still like having the options.
Like my Saiga .308, it is built like a tank when you need a tank built tough.
It was more than acceptably accurate. It grouped tight and consistent.
It was light. Me and my friends carry our rifles all day often. This matters.
Control was good. Not Tantal 74 good but good.
You can get .223 or 5.56 ammo almost anywhere. That was one of the biggest positive points to it.
It has a scope rail already. Don't lecture me about how it isn't right to put a scope on an AK. You still might want to mount some sort of quick-target acquisition optics or night vision. If you wanted to here, you could. It is an accurate rifle for it's type and price. I think the iron sights are a little beneath it.
Mag changes were smooth. I dug that.
Recoil was almost unnoticeable.
This rifle is very, very easy to clean.
I'll upload some pics later. Once again, not bad. If for no other reason, you ought to have a dependable 5.56 rifle stashed away somewhere if you run any non-domestic military round (such as 5.45).
The Saiga .223 lacked a muzzle brake. I like the brake/compensator on my 74 for a lot of reasons. It helps keep the muzzle free of obstructions, keeps the climb down and I feel like it reduces flash.
The Saiga .223 isn't something you can find a lot of affordable mags for like the AK-74. Most are around $30 and all are plastic. There is an adapter you can get for $80 which allows it to run AR mags. Thats great if it works and is reliable. My only slowness to that approach is that I don't care for the mag release system on AR's. I'm faster at changing mags on the AK platform. Maybe I'll change but I doubt it.
The Saiga .223 isn't something you can grab a parts kit for and keep running for decades that way. But in fairness, you can buy a second Saiga .223 for around $300 and just pack it away.
That is about all I could find wrong with the rifle. What was good about it? Lots.
This Saiga was covered in rails. I'm not one for overloading my rifle with accessories. Normally, a light is good enough. Weight and clearance is always a concern for me. I still like having the options.
Like my Saiga .308, it is built like a tank when you need a tank built tough.
It was more than acceptably accurate. It grouped tight and consistent.
It was light. Me and my friends carry our rifles all day often. This matters.
Control was good. Not Tantal 74 good but good.
You can get .223 or 5.56 ammo almost anywhere. That was one of the biggest positive points to it.
It has a scope rail already. Don't lecture me about how it isn't right to put a scope on an AK. You still might want to mount some sort of quick-target acquisition optics or night vision. If you wanted to here, you could. It is an accurate rifle for it's type and price. I think the iron sights are a little beneath it.
Mag changes were smooth. I dug that.
Recoil was almost unnoticeable.
This rifle is very, very easy to clean.
I'll upload some pics later. Once again, not bad. If for no other reason, you ought to have a dependable 5.56 rifle stashed away somewhere if you run any non-domestic military round (such as 5.45).
Monday, October 17, 2011
The Occupy scene
It's really kind of funny to see how vague and inarticulate the Occupy crowd is as a whole. Wallstreet...corporate fat cats...bankers...yeah, we know. Even as vague as that is, it is at least downrange.
Let me tell you what I'd say if I was down protesting for days on end. First, I'd point out that I'd just now woken up to the fact that I'm a slave with a golden collar (to borrow a phrase from an old friend). Next, I'm here to challenge the notion that this is a free country and ask that my collar be removed so I can fail or succeed on my own. No banks, no credit cards, no loans of any kind. Basically, I'd have to do that because taking long periods of time off work to protest would mean I'd have to file for bankruptcy anyhow. Then I'd remind whoever I was speaking to that this is exactly how WW2 started.
Revolution in Europe started against capitalism then against capitalism and communism. When it was all over, the capitalists and communist unevenly divided things up and went on their way. So when you think left-right wing this and that, remember that fact.
Cheap labor is brought in to make sure your demands for higher wages are ignored. You are told to celebrate diversity while it all gets set up. Meanwhile, the police state welcomes the climate that sort of arrangement brings. Sure, multi-cultural society works, you just need enough police, prisons, laws and soldiers.
Let me tell you what I'd say if I was down protesting for days on end. First, I'd point out that I'd just now woken up to the fact that I'm a slave with a golden collar (to borrow a phrase from an old friend). Next, I'm here to challenge the notion that this is a free country and ask that my collar be removed so I can fail or succeed on my own. No banks, no credit cards, no loans of any kind. Basically, I'd have to do that because taking long periods of time off work to protest would mean I'd have to file for bankruptcy anyhow. Then I'd remind whoever I was speaking to that this is exactly how WW2 started.
Revolution in Europe started against capitalism then against capitalism and communism. When it was all over, the capitalists and communist unevenly divided things up and went on their way. So when you think left-right wing this and that, remember that fact.
Cheap labor is brought in to make sure your demands for higher wages are ignored. You are told to celebrate diversity while it all gets set up. Meanwhile, the police state welcomes the climate that sort of arrangement brings. Sure, multi-cultural society works, you just need enough police, prisons, laws and soldiers.
To the powers that be, I dare you to try that here. You've played commies and German workers. Now come see what happens when you play commies and American dissidents.
Friday, October 14, 2011
I've been hitting the weights kind of hard for the past few months. It has served two purposes. First, it is good for your health and even better if you don't forget the cardio. Second, one of the 3 people I work out with is the real life Mitch from my book. So the hours a week I spend in the gym help inspire more ideas for future Cruel New World books.
One thing I noticed in the desert recently was that you can have big arms and a massive chest and that's great. What you really benefit from out there is legs are core strength. Nobody worth going after hangs around the flat areas. The hills (if they had trees on them and were located in NC, we'd call them mounains) are where the action is. Your gear, what feels fine all day on level earth, gets really, really heavy up and down hills all day and night. So I've started including a lot of leg excercises and core stuff into my routines.
This is something I should have done a long time ago too. Me and apparently most people I go to the field with can put in 15 mountain miles a day. We prove that every year over and over again. Now I feel like I could do 20 a day. I noticed a big difference in performance on the past few outings. In fact, having the extra power just makes life easier in general.
One thing I noticed in the desert recently was that you can have big arms and a massive chest and that's great. What you really benefit from out there is legs are core strength. Nobody worth going after hangs around the flat areas. The hills (if they had trees on them and were located in NC, we'd call them mounains) are where the action is. Your gear, what feels fine all day on level earth, gets really, really heavy up and down hills all day and night. So I've started including a lot of leg excercises and core stuff into my routines.
This is something I should have done a long time ago too. Me and apparently most people I go to the field with can put in 15 mountain miles a day. We prove that every year over and over again. Now I feel like I could do 20 a day. I noticed a big difference in performance on the past few outings. In fact, having the extra power just makes life easier in general.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
The fact is...
I have to publish the second Cruel New World book. The first book was just a taste apparently. I've got zero bad feed back except on people not getting their books or the missing chapter. I hate it and I wish there was something I could do about it. We all took a hit on that one and without going into great detail, I'm not receiving any royalties from the first book. That stinks but when you are new to this, its easy to get burned. The money isn't the thing.
Right now, I'm hyped up on the fact that everybody who sees me is asking about the next book. A lot of people see us building a new media just for us and our type. There is a handful of authors right now turning out books and watching each other's backs best we can. We don't all agree on everything and hardly any of us write about the same things. I'm proud to say though that things are looking up and pretty soon you'll be able to expand your nationalists bookshelf with more fictional works, books on religion, revolution and maybe even politics.
Right now, I'm hyped up on the fact that everybody who sees me is asking about the next book. A lot of people see us building a new media just for us and our type. There is a handful of authors right now turning out books and watching each other's backs best we can. We don't all agree on everything and hardly any of us write about the same things. I'm proud to say though that things are looking up and pretty soon you'll be able to expand your nationalists bookshelf with more fictional works, books on religion, revolution and maybe even politics.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Cruel New World: Status
After a dispute with the publisher, I think I've pretty much come to the conclusion that I should publish my books myself. In fact, there are a few of us needing to get works out so there is talk of starting a small publishing company to put out a few titles from me and my friends.
Cruel New World Book 2 is being finished up right now. It was complete already but now I'm trying to find a way to add what was cut out of the first book. This won't be easy but it'll work itself out. The problem is that this puts the book I'm working on with JT Ready called "Rip Crew."
Cruel New World Book 2 is being finished up right now. It was complete already but now I'm trying to find a way to add what was cut out of the first book. This won't be easy but it'll work itself out. The problem is that this puts the book I'm working on with JT Ready called "Rip Crew."
Monday, August 1, 2011
Something to consider about the war on the US/Mexican border.
Make no mistake, there is an undeclared war between the American citizenry and the drug cartels in Mexico. This battle against Mexican-bourne tyranny has never been just the fight of those who live in border states. Here is a quick list of defenders at the Alamo which I scaled down to illustrate my point.
Name![]() | Rank![]() | Company![]() | Birthdate![]() | Birthplace![]() | Status![]() | ||
Abamillo, Juan !Juan Abamillo | Sergeant | Seguin's cavalry company | unknown | Texas | killed in battle | ||
Allen, James L. !James L. Allen | Private | unknown | 1815, 1, 2 !January 2, 1815 | Kentucky | survived | ||
Allen, Robert !Robert Allen | Private | Forsyth's company | unknown | Virginia | killed in battle[3] | ||
Alsbury, Horace !Horace Arlington Alsbury | Private | Garrison translator, courier | 1805 | Kentucky | survived | ||
Andrews, George !George Andrews | possibly aka George Anderson, Quartermaster | New Orleans Greys | killed in battle | ||||
Andross, Miles DeForrest !Miles DeForrest Andross | Private | Blazeby's infantry company | 1809 | Vermont, Bradford !Bradford, Vermont | killed in battle[7] | ||
Autry, Micajah !Micajah Autry | Private | Harrison's company (Volunteer Auxiliary Corps) | 1794 | North Carolina, Sampson County !Sampson County, North Carolina | killed in battle[8] | ||
Badillo, Juan A. !Juan A. Badillo | Sergeant | Seguin's cavalry Company | unknown | Texas | killed in battle | ||
Bailey, Peter James III !Peter James Bailey III | Private | Harrison's company (VAC) | 1812 | Kentucky, Springfield !Springfield, Kentucky | killed in battle[9] | ||
Baker, Isaac G. !Isaac G. Baker | Private | Gonzales Ranging Company of Mounted Volunteers | 1814, 9, 15 !September 15, 1814 | Arkansas | killed in battle[10] | ||
Baker, William Charles M. !William Charles M. Baker | Captain | unknown | Missouri | killed in battle[11] | |||
Ballentine, John J. !John J. Ballentine | Private | Carey's artillery company | Pennsylvania | killed in battle[12] | |||
Ballentine, Richard W. !Richard W. Ballentine | Private | unknown | 1814 | Scotland | killed in battle[13] | ||
Baugh, John J. !John J. Baugh | Captain (adjutant staff officer) | unknown | 1803 | Virginia | killed in battle[14] | ||
Bayliss, Joseph !Joseph Bayliss | Private | Harrison's company (VAC) | 1808 | Tennessee | killed in battle[14] | ||
Baylor, John Walker, Jr. !John Walker Baylor, Jr. | Private | Dimitt's company | December 1813 | Kentucky, Stone Creek !Stone Creek, Kentucky | survived | ||
Blair, John !John Blair | Private | unknown | 1803 | Tennessee | killed in battle[16] | ||
Blair, Samuel !Samuel Blair | Captain, assistant to ordnance chief | Ordnance Department | 1807 | Tennessee | killed in battle[17] | ||
Blazeby, William !William Blazeby | Captain | Commanding officer of an infantry company | 1795 | England | killed in battle[17] | ||
Bonham, James Butler !James Bonham | Second Lieutenant | rode in with Bowie | 1807, 2, 20 !February 20, 1807 | South Carolina, Edgefield County !Edgefield County, South Carolina | killed in battle[18] | ||
Bourne, Daniel !Daniel Bourne | Private | Carey's artillery company | 1810 | England | killed in battle[19] | ||
Bowie, James !James Bowie | Colonel | Commander of volunteers, co-commander of the garrison | 1796, 4, 10 !April 10, 1796 | Kentucky, Logan County !Logan County, Kentucky | killed in battle | ||
Bowman, Jesse B. !Jesse B. Bowman | Private | unknown | 1785 | Tennessee | According to most lists, Bowman was killed at the Alamo.[22] | ||
Brown, George !George Brown | Private | unknown | 1801 | England | killed in battle | ||
Brown, James !James Brown | Private | unknown | 1800 | Pennsylvania | killed in battle | ||
Brown, Robert ! Robert Brown | Private | unknown | 1818 !possibly 1818 | survived | |||
Buchanan, James !James Buchanan | Private | unknown,marksman | 1813 | killed in battle | |||
Burns, Samuel E. !Samuel E. Burns | Private | Carey's artillery company | 1810 | Ireland | killed in battle[26] | ||
Butler, George, D. !George D. Butler | Private | unknown | 1813 | Missouri | killed in battle[26] | ||
Cain, John !John Cain | Private | Carey's artillery company | 1802 | Pennsylvania | killed in battle[27] | ||
Campbell, Robert !Robert Campbell | Lieutenant | Harrison's company (VAC) | 1810 | Tennessee | killed in battle[27] | ||
Carey, William R. !William R. Carey | Captain | Commanding officer of his own artillery company "The Invincibles" | 1806 | Virginia | killed in battle | ||
Clark, Charles Henry !Charles Henry Clark | Private | New Orleans Greys, under Breece | killed in battle.[28] | ||||
Clark, M.B. !M.B. Clark | Private | probably Baker's company | killed in battle.[29] | ||||
Cloud, Daniel W. !Daniel W. Cloud | Private | Harrison's company | 1812, 2, 20 !February 20, 1812 | Kentucky, Lexington !Lexington, Kentucky | killed in battle.[29] | ||
Cochran, Robert !Robert E. Cochran | Private | Carey's company | 1810 | Merrimack County, Pembroke, New Hampshire | killed in battle.[29] | ||
Cottle, George Washington !George Washington "Wash" Cottle | Gonzales Ranging Company | 1811 | Missouri, Lincoln County, Hurricane Township !Hurricane Township, Lincoln County, Missouri | killed in battle. | |||
Courtman, Henry !Henry Courtman | Private | New Orleans Greys under Breece | 1808 | Germany | killed in battle.[30] | ||
Crawford, Lemuel !Lemuel Crawford | Private | Carey's company | 1814 | South Carolina | killed in battle.[31] | ||
Crockett, David !David Crockett | Colonel | Harrison's company, fought near chapel & palisade | 1796, 8, 17 !August 17, 1786 | Tennessee, Greene County !Greene County, Tennessee | killed in battle.[31] | ||
Crossman, Robert !Robert Crossman | Private | Blazeby | 1810 | Pennsylvania | killed in battle.[34] | ||
Cruz y Arocha, Antonio !Antonio Cruz y Arocha | Private | Seguin's cavalry | unknown | Mexico | survived | ||
Cummings, David P. !David P. Cummins | Private | Gonzales Mounted Rangers | 1809 | Pennsylvania, Lewiston !Lewiston, Pennsylvania | killed in battle. | ||
Cunningham, Robert !Robert Cunningham | Private | Carey's company | 1804,10,18 !October 18, 1804 | New York, Ontario County !Ontario County, New York | killed in battle.[35][36] | ||
Darst, Jacob C. !Jacob C. Darst | Lieutenant | Gonzales Mounted Rangers | 1793, 12, 22 !December 22, 1793 | Kentucky, Woodford County !Woodford County, Kentucky | killed in battle | ||
Davis, John !John Davis | Private | Gonzales Mounted Rangers | 1811 | Kentucky | killed in battle[37] | ||
Day, Freeman H.K. !Freeman H.K. Day | Private | White's infantry company | 1806 | killed in battle | |||
Day, Jerry C. !Jerry C. Day | Private[38] | unknown | 1816[37] | Missouri | killed in battle[38] | ||
Daymon, Squire !Squire Daymon | Private | Carey | 1808 | Tennessee | killed in battle | ||
Dearduff, William !William Dearduff | Private | rode in as part of the "Immortal 32" Gonzales Mounted Rangers | c.1811 | Tennessee | killed in battle | ||
De la Garza, Alexandro !Alexandro de la Garza | Private | Seguins company | Texas | survived | |||
Dennison, Stephen !Stephen Dennison | Private | Blazeby | 1812 | England or Ireland | killed in battle | ||
Desauque, Francis L. !Francis L. Desauque | Captain | Dimmitt | Pennsylvania, Philadelphia !Philadelphia, Pennsylvania | survived | |||
Despallier, Charles !Charles Despallier | Private | rode in as part of the "Immortal 32" Gonzales Mounted Rangers | 1812 | Louisiana | killed in battle | ||
Dewall, Lewis !Lewis Dewall | Private | White | 1812 | New York, Manhattan !Manhattan, New York | killed in battle[41] | ||
Dickinson, Almaron !Almaron Dickinson | Captain | Artillery officer | 1810 | Tennessee | killed in battle[41] | ||
Dickson, James !James Dickson | New Orleans Greys | killed in battle | |||||
Dillard, John Henry !John Henry Dillard | Private | unknown | 1805 | Tennessee, Smith County !Smith County, Tennessee | killed in battle[43] | ||
Dimmitt, Philip !Philip Dimmitt | Captain | Dimmitt | 1801 | Kentucky | survived | ||
Dimpkins, James R. !James R. Dimpkins | Sergeant | Blazeby | England | killed in battle | |||
Duvalt, Andrew !Andrew Duvalt | Private | White | 1804 | Ireland | killed in battle | ||
Espalier, Carlos !Carlos Espalier | Private | unknown, but possible Bowie | 1819 | Texas, San Antonio de Bexar !San Antonio de Bexar, Texas | killed in battle | ||
Esparza, José Gregorio !José Gregorio Esparza | Private | Seguins company | 1802, 2, 25 !Feb. 25, 1802 | Texas, San Antonio de Bexar !San Antonio de Béxar, Texas | killed in battle[48] | ||
Evans, Robert !Robert Evans | Major; Master of Ordnance | unknown | 1800 | Ireland[50] | killed in battle | ||
Evans, Samuel B. !Samuel B. Evans | Private | unknown | 1812, 1, 16 !January 16, 1812 | New York, Jefferson County !Jefferson County, New York | killed in battle[52] | ||
Ewing, James L. !James L. Ewing | Private | Carey | 1812 | Tennessee | killed in battle | ||
Faunterloy, William Keener !William Keener Faunterloy | Private | Harrison[53] | 1814 | Kentucky, Logan County !Logan County, Kentucky[52] | killed in battle[53] | ||
Fishbaugh, William !William Fishbaugh | Private | Gonzales Ranging Company | unknown | Alabama? | killed in battle | ||
Flanders, John !John Flanders | Private | Gonzales Ranging Company | 1800 | New Hampshire | killed in battle | ||
Flores, Salvador !Salvador Flores | Captain | Artillery officer (under Neill) | 1806 | Floresville, Texas | survived | ||
Floyd, Dolphin Ward !Dolphin Ward Floyd | Private | Gonzales Ranging Company | 1804, 3, 6 !March 6, 1804 | North Carolina, Nash County !Nash County, North Carolina | killed in battle | ||
Forsyth, John Hubbard !John Hubbard Forsyth | Captain | Forsyth | 1797, 8, 10 !August 10, 1797 | New York, Avon !Avon, New York | killed in battle | ||
Fuentes, Antonio !Antonio Fuentes | Private | Seguins company | 1813 | Texas, San Antonio de Bexar !San Antonio de Bexar, Texas | killed in battle | ||
Fuqua, Galba !Galba Fuqua | Private | Gonzales Ranging Company | 1819, 3, 9 !March 9, 1819 | Alabama | killed in battle | ||
Garnett, William !William Garnett | Private | unknown | 1812 | Virginia | killed in battle[59] | ||
Garrand, James W. !James W. Garrand | Private | Blazeby | 1813 | Louisiana | killed in battle | ||
Garrett, James Girard !James Girard Garrett | Private | Blazeby | 1806 | Tennessee | killed in battle[59] | ||
Garvin, John E. !John E. Garvin | Private | Carey | 1809 | killed in battle | |||
Gaston, John E. !John E. Gaston | Private | Gonzales Ranging Company | 1819 | killed in battle | |||
George, James !James George | Private | Gonzales Ranging Company | 1802 | killed in battle | |||
Goodrich, John C. !John C. Goodrich | Cornet | Blazeby or Forsyth | 1809 | Virginia | killed in battle[61] | ||
Grimes, Albert Calvin !Albert Calvin Grimes | Private | Forsyth (possibly) | 1817, 12, 20 !December 20, 1817 | Georgia | killed in battle | ||
Guerrero, Brigido !Brigido Guerrero | Private | Bowies company | unknown | Mexico, Tallenango !Tallenango, Mexico | survived | ||
Gwynne, James C. !James C. Gwynne | Private | Carey | 1804 | England | killed in battle | ||
Hannum, James !James Hannum | Private | unknown[64] | 1815, 8, 8 !August 8, 1815 | Pennsylvania[63] | killed in battle[64] | ||
Harris, John !John Harris | Private | Gonzales Ranging Company | 1813 | Kentucky | killed in battle | ||
Harrison, Andrew Jackson !Andrew Jackson Harrison | Private | unknown | 1809 | Tennessee | killed in battle[64] | ||
Harrison, I.L.K. !I.L.K. Harrison | unknown | Harrison's company (VAC) | unknown | killed in battle | |||
Harrison, William B. !William B. Harrison | Captain | Harrison | 1811 | Ohio | killed in battle | ||
Hawkins, Joseph M. !Joseph M. Hawkins | Private | Baker (possibly) | 1799 | Ireland | killed in battle[66] | ||
Hays, John M. !John M. Hays | Private | Baker (possibly) | 1814 | Tennessee, Nashville !Nashville, Tennessee | killed in battle | ||
Heiskell, Charles M. !Charles M. Heiskell | Private | unknown | 1813 | Tennessee (possibly) | killed in battle | ||
Herndon, Patrick Henry !Patrick Henry Herndon | Private | Baker (possibly) | 1802, 3 !March 1802 | Virginia | killed in battle[67] | ||
Hersee, William Daniel !William Daniel Hersee | Sergeant | Carey | 1805 | England | killed in battle | ||
Highsmith, Benjamin Franklin !Benjamin Franklin Highsmith | Private | unknown | 1817, 9, 11 !September 11, 1817 | Missouri Territory, St. Charles District !St. Charles District, Missouri Territory | survived[68] | ||
Holland, Tapley !Tapley Holland | Private | Carey | 1810 | Ohio | killed in battle[69] | ||
Holloway, James !James Holloway | New Orleans Greys | killed in battle | |||||
Holloway, Samuel !Samuel Holloway | Private | Blazeby | 1808 | Pennsylvania | killed in battle | ||
Howell, William D. !William D. Howell | Surgeon (possibly) | Blazeby | 1791 | Massachusetts | killed in battle | ||
Hutchinson, Thomas !Thomas P. Hutchinson | New Orleans Greys | killed in battle | |||||
Jackson, Thomas !Thomas Jackson | Private | Gonzales Ranging Company | Ireland | killed in battle | |||
Jackson, William Daniel !William Daniel Jackson | Private | Carey | 1807 | Kentucky | killed in battle | ||
Jameson, Green B. !Green B. Jameson | Major | Staff officer | 1807 | Kentucky | killed in battle[72] | ||
Jennings, Gordon C. !Gordon C. Jennings | Corporal | Carey | 1780 | Pennsylvania | killed in battle | ||
Jimenez, Damacio !Damacio Jiménez | Artillery | Seguins company | Texas | killed in battle | |||
Joe | Slave of Travis | rode in with Travis | 1813 or 1815 | United States | survived[73] | ||
Johnson, Lewis !Lewis Johnson | Private | Carey (possibly) | Illinois Territory (possibly) | killed in battle[77] | |||
Johnson, William !William Johnson | Private | Carey (possibly) | Pennsylvania, Philadelphia !Philadelphia, Pennsylvania | killed in battle[78] | |||
Johnson, William P. !William P. Johnson | Sergeant (possibly) | unknown | survived | ||||
Jones, John !John Jones | First Lieutenant | Blazeby | 1810 | New York | killed in battle | ||
Kellogg, John Benjamin !John Benjamin Kellogg | Rode with Gonzales Mounted Rangers | 1817 | Kentucky | killed in battle | |||
Kenney, James !James Kenney | 1814 | Virginia | killed in battle | ||||
Kent, Andrew !Andrew Kent | rode in as part of the "Immortal 32" Gonzales Mounted Rangers | 1798 | VA | killed in battle | |||
Kerr, Joseph !Joseph Kerr | Private | marksman, unknown | 1814 | Louisiana | killed in battle | ||
Kimble, George C. !George C. Kimble | Lieutenant | Gonzales Ranging Company | 1803 | Pennsylvania | killed in battle | ||
King, William Philip !William Philip King | Private | rode in as part of the "Immortal 32" Gonzales Mounted Rangers | October 8, 1820 | Monroe County, Mississippi | youngest defender killed in the battle | ||
Lewis, William Irvine !William Irvine Lewis | Private, marksman | went with Bowie | 1806 | Virginia | killed in battle | ||
Lightfoot, William J. !William J. Lightfoot | 3rd Corpl. | Carey's artillery company | 1805 | Kentucky | killed in battle | ||
Lindley, Jonathan L. !Jonathan L. Lindley | Private, artilliaryman | Carey's artillery company | 1814 | Illinois | killed in battle | ||
Linn, William !William Linn | Private, marksman | Capt. Blazeby's infantry company | Massachusetts | killed in battle | |||
Lockhart, Byrd !Byrd Lockhart | Commissioner, empowered to muster Gonzales Ranging Company | Gonzales Ranging Company | 1782 | Virginia | survived | ||
Losoya, Toribio !Toribio Losoya | marksman | Seguín's company | 1808 | Texas | killed in battle | ||
Main, George Washington !George Washington Main | Lieutenant | White's infantry co. | 1807 | Virginia | killed in battle | ||
Malone, William T. !William T. Malone | Private, artillery | Carey's artillery co. | 1817 | Georgia | killed in battle | ||
Marshall, William !William Marshall | Private, marksman | Blazeby's infantry co. | 1808 | Tennessee | killed in battle | ||
Martin, Albert !Albert Martin | Captain, courier | rode in as part of the "Immortal 32" Gonzales Mounted Rangers | 1808 | Rhode Island | killed in battle | ||
McCafferty, Edward !Edward McCafferty | Lieutenant | Bowies company | unknown | unknown, Refugio resident | killed in battle | ||
McCoy, Jesse !Jesse McCoy | Private, marksman | Gonzales Mounted Rangers | 1804 | Tennessee | killed in battle | ||
McDowell, William !William McDowell | Private, marksman | Harrison's company | 1794 | Pennsylvania | killed in battle | ||
McGee, James !James McGee | Private, marksman | Blazeby's infantry co. | unknown | Ireland | killed in battle | ||
McGregor, John !John McGregor | Sergeant | Carey's company | 1808 | Scotland | killed in battle | ||
McKinney, Robert !Robert McKinney | Private | rode in with Bowie | 1809 | Tennessee | killed in battle | ||
Melton, Eliel !Eliel Melton | Quartermaster with the rank of Lieutenant | Member of Lt. Col. James C. Neill's staff | 1798 | Georgia | killed in battle | ||
Miller, Thomas R. !Thomas R. Miller | Private, marksman | Gonzales Mounted Rangers | 1795 | Tennessee | killed in battle | ||
Mills, William !William Mills | Private, marksman | rode in with Bowie | 1815 | Tennessee | killed in battle | ||
Millsaps, Isaac !Isaac Millsaps | Private, marksman | Gonzales Mounted Rangers | 1795 !c. 1795 | Mississippi | killed in battle | ||
Mitchusson, Edward F. !Edward F. Mitchusson | Alamo surgeon | Alamo hospital | 1806 | Virginia | killed in battle | ||
Mitchell, Edwin T. !Edwin T. Mitchell | Private, marksman | White's infantry co. | 1806 | unknown | killed in battle | ||
Mitchell, Napoleon B. !Napoleon B. Mitchell | Private, artillery | Carey's artillery co. | 1804 | unknown | killed in battle | ||
Moore, Robert B. !Robert B. Moore | Private, marksman | Blazeby's company | 1781 | Virginia | killed in battle | ||
Moore, Willis A. !Willis A. Moore | Private, marksman | may have rode in with Bowie | 1808 | unknown, Mississippi resident | killed in battle | ||
Morman, John !John Morman | New Orleans Greys | killed in battle | |||||
Musselman, Robert !Robert Musselman | Sergeant | Capt. William Blazeby' infantry company | 1805 | Ohio | killed in battle | ||
Nava, Andrés !Andrés Nava | Private, marksman | Seguín's company | 1810 | Texas | killed in battle | ||
Navan, Gerald !Gerald Navan | Private, courier | survived | |||||
Neggan, George !George Neggan | Private, marksman | rode in as part of the "Immortal 32" Gonzales Mounted Rangers | 1808 | South Carolina | killed in battle | ||
Nelson, Andrew M. !Andrew M. Nelson | Private, marksman | unknown, volunteer | 1809 | Tennessee | killed in battle | ||
Nelson, Edward !Edward Nelson | Private, marksman | Baker's company | 1816 | S.Carolina | killed in battle | ||
Nelson, George !George Nelson | Private, marksman | Blazeby's infantry | 1805 | S.Carolina | killed in battle | ||
Nobles, Benjamin F. !Benjamin F. Nobles | Lieutenant, spy | rode with Dimmit's company | unknown | unknown | survived | ||
Northcross, James !James Northcross | Private, artillery | Carey's artillery | 1804 | Virginia | killed in battle | ||
Nowlan, James !James Nowlan | Private, marksman | rode with Cooke's N.O.Grey's | 1809 | England | killed in battle | ||
Oury, William Sanders !William Sanders Oury | Private, marksman, courier | followed Travis into the Alamo | August 13, 1817 | Abingdon, Virginia | survived | ||
Pagan, George !George Pagan | Private | unknown, artillery | 1810 | unknown, formerly Natchez Mississippi | killed in battle | ||
Parker, Christopher Adams !Christopher Adams Parker | Private, marksman | rode in with Dimmitt | 1814 | unknown, Mississippi resident | killed in battle | ||
Parks, William !William Parks | Private, marksman | White's infantry company | 1805 | Rowan County, North Carolina | killed in battle | ||
Patton, William !William Hester Patton | Assistant Quartermaster | In-charge of Alamo companies | 1808 | Kentucky | survived | ||
Perry, Richardson !Richardson Perry | Private | Carey's artillery | 1817 | Mississippi | killed in battle | ||
Pollard, Amos !Amos Pollard | Alamo Surgeon | Alamo hospital, chief surgeon (under Neill) | 1803, 10, 29 !October 29, 1803 | Ashburnham, Massachusetts | killed in battle | ||
Reynolds, John Purdy !John Purdy Reynolds | Private, marksman, surgeon | Harrison's company | 1806 | Pennsylvania | killed in battle | ||
Roberts, Thomas H. !Thomas H. Roberts | Private, marksman | Baker's company | unknown | unknown | killed in battle | ||
Robertson, James Waters !James Waters Robertson | Private, marksman | unknown, volunteer | 1812 | Tennessee | killed in battle | ||
Robinson, Isaac !Isaac Robinson | 4th Sergeant | Carey's artillery | 1808 | Scotland | killed in battle | ||
Rose, James M. !James M. Rose | Private, marksman | Crockett's company | 1805 | Ohio | killed in battle | ||
Rose, Louis [Moses] !Louis Moses Rose | Private, marksman | Baker's company | 1785 | Ardennes, France | survived | ||
Roth, Jacob !Jacob Roth | Major | Harrison's company (VAC) | unknown | killed in battle | |||
Rusk, Jackson J. !Jackson J. Rusk | Private, marksman | Baker's company | unknown | Ireland | killed in battle | ||
Rutherford, Joseph !Joseph Rutherford | Private, marksman | Carey's company | 1798 | Kentucky | killed in battle | ||
Ryan, Isaac !Isaac Ryan | Private, marksman | Whites infantry | 1805 | Louisiana | killed in battle | ||
Scurlock, Mial !Mial Scurlock | Private, marksman | unknown, volunteer | May 25, 1809 | Chatham County, North Carolina | killed in battle | ||
Seguin, Juan !Juan Seguín | Captain | Commander of his own cavalry company | October 27, 1806 | San Antonio, Texas | survived | ||
Sewell, Marcus L. !Marcus L. Sewell | Private | Gonzales Ranging Company | 1805 | England | killed in battle | ||
Shied, Manson !Manson Shied | Private | Capt. William R. Carey's artillery Co. | 1811 | Georgia | killed in battle | ||
Simmons, Cleveland Kinloch !Cleveland Kinloch Simmons | Lieutenant | Forsyth's company | 1815, 6, 8 !June 8, 1815 | Charleston, South Carolina | killed in battle | ||
Smith, Andrew H. !Andrew H. Smith | Private, marksman | Forsyth's cavalry | 1815 | Tennessee | killed in battle | ||
Smith, Charles S. !Charles S. Smith | Private | Carey's artillery | 1806 | Maryland | killed in battle | ||
Smith, Joshua G. !Joshua G. Smith | Sergeant | Forsyth's company | 1808 | N Carolina | killed in battle | ||
Smith, John W. !John William Smith | scout, guide, courier | Gonzales Ranging Company | March 4, 1792 | Virginia | survived | ||
Smith, William H. !William H. Smith | Private | William R. Carey's artillery | 1811 | unknown, Nacogdoches resident | killed in battle | ||
Smither, Launcelot !Launcelot Smither | Private | rode in with Travis | 1800 | unknown, San Felipe resident, formerly Alabama | survived | ||
Sowell, Andrew J. !Andrew Jackson Sowell | Private, forager | unknown, Gonzales resident, (Sowell, Smith, and Lockhart possibly guided the Gonzales Mounted Rangers back in on Mar.1) | June 17, 1815 | Tennessee | survived | ||
Spratt, John !John Spratt | New Orleans Greys | killed in battle | |||||
Starr, Richard !Richard Starr | Private, marksman | Blazeby's infantry | 1811 | England | killed in battle | ||
Stewart, James E. !James E. Stewart | Private, marksman | unknown | 1808 | England | killed in battle | ||
Stockton, Richard L. !Richard L. Stockton | Private, marksman | Harrison' company | 1817 | New Jersey | killed in battle | ||
Summerlin, A. Spain !A. Spain Summerlin | Private, marksman | White's infantry | 1817 | Tennessee | killed in battle | ||
Summers, William E. !William E. Summers | Private, marksman | Gonzales Ranging Company | 1812 | Tennessee | killed in battle | ||
Sutherland, John !John Sutherland Jr. | Private, physician | Patton's Company, Alamo Hospital | May 11, 1792 | Danville, Pittsylvania County, Virginia | survived | ||
Sutherland, William DePriest !William DePriest Sutherland | Private, marksman, physicians assistant | Patton's Company, Alamo Hospital | August 10, 1818 | Tennessee, Navidad, Tx. resident, formerly Alabama | killed in battle | ||
Taylor, Edward !Edward Taylor | Private | marksman, unknown | 1812 | Tennessee | killed in battle | ||
Taylor, George !George Taylor | Private | marksman, unknown | 1816 | Tennessee | killed in battle | ||
Taylor, James !James Taylor | Private | marksman, unknown | 1814 | Tennessee | killed in battle | ||
Taylor, William !William Taylor | Private | marksman, unknown | 1799 | Tennessee | killed in battle | ||
Thomas, B. Archer M. !B. Archer M. Thomas | Private | marksman, Capt.Harrison's company | 1818 | Kentucky | killed in battle | ||
Thomas, Henry !Henry Thomas | Private | marksman, Capt. William Blazeby's infantry | 1811 | Germany | killed in battle | ||
Thompson, Jesse G. !Jesse G. Thompson | Private | marksman, unknown | 1798 | Arkansas | killed in battle | ||
Thomson, John W. !John W. Thomson | Private, surgeon, marksman | Alamo hospital | 1807 | N Carolina | killed in battle | ||
Thurston, John, M. !John, M. Thurston | 2nd Lt. | Forsyth's cavalry company | 1812 | Pennsylvania | killed in battle | ||
Trammel, Burke !Burke Trammel | Private | Carey's company | 1810 | Ireland | killed in battle | ||
Travis, William Barret !William B. Travis | Lt. Colonel | Commander of his own cavalry company, fully commanded Alamo on 2/24/1836 | 1809, 8, 9 !August 9, 1809 | Edgefield District, South Carolina | killed in battle | ||
Tumlinson, George W. !George W. Tumlinson | Private | Carey's artillery | 1814 | Missouri | killed in battle | ||
Tylee, James !James Tylee | Private | marksman, unknown | 1795 | New York | killed in battle | ||
Walker, Asa !Asa Walker | Private, marksman | Capt. Robert White's infantry company (Bexar Guards) | 1813 | Tennessee | killed in battle | ||
Walker, Jacob !Jacob Walker | Private | Capt. William R. Carey artillery company | 1799 | Tennessee | killed in battle | ||
Ward, William B. !William B. Ward | Sergeant | unknown, fought near artillery at main gate | 1806 | Ireland | killed in battle | ||
Warnell, Henry !Henry Warnell | Private | Capt. William R. Carey artillery company | 1812 | Resident of Arkansas | survived | ||
Washington, Joseph G. !Joseph George Washington | Private | marksman, Harrison's company | 1808 !ca. 1808 | Tennessee | killed in battle | ||
Waters, Thomas !Thomas Waters | Private | Capt. William R. Carey's artillery company | 1812 | England | killed in battle | ||
Wells, William !William Wells | marksman, unknown | Capt. William H. Patton's company | 1798 | Georgia, Hall County !Hall County, Georgia | killed in battle | ||
White, Isaac !Isaac White | Sergeant | unknown | unknown | unknown | killed in battle | ||
White, Robert !Robert White | Captain | Commander of his own infantry company, the Bexar Guards | 1806 | unknown, Gonzales resident | killed in battle | ||
Williamson, Hiram James !Hiram James Williamson | Sergeant-Major of the garrison | In-charge of the Alamo companies | 1810 | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania | killed in battle | ||
Wills, William !William Wills | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown | killed in battle | ||
Wilson, David L. !David L. Wilson | unknown | followed Dimmitt to Bexar | 1807 | Scotland | killed in battle | ||
Wilson, John !John Wilson | unknown | unknown | 1804 | Pennsylvania | killed in battle | ||
Wolf, Anthony !Anthony Wolf | unknown | Capt. William R. Carey artillery company | February 17, 1782 | Spain | killed in battle | ||
Wright, Claiborne !Claiborne Wright | unknown | rode in as part of the "Immortal 32" Gonzales Mounted Rangers | 1810 | North Carolina | killed in battle | ||
Zanco, Charles !Charles Zanco | lieutenant | ordnance (under Neill) | 1808 | Randers, Denmark | killed in battle | ||
John !John | unknown | Hopewell believes he entered the Alamo with Bowie[157] | unknown | unknown | killed in battle | .[ |
Thursday, July 21, 2011
A few pictures from the border.
I want to start by telling all Americans, and the world, that the situation on the American/Mexican border qualifies as a low intensity conflict (a little war). You can agree or disagree with the politics of it all but nobody can disagree on that fact. That being said, I can't see how anybody except a someone who was an outright communist of the Stalinist brand or someone in the employ of the drug cartels would be for keeping the border the way it is. Well, I've seen it all for myself and now I'm here to share a few pictures with you.
And thats the guy who wrote Cruel New World. I guess I'm a particular kind of author who doesn't live in a fantasy world. What I experience in the field goes straight into my books.
This guy below was near death when we rescused him. He had been with another two whom we'd rescued earlier. All of them were out of water but this guy was in the worst shape. He would have been just another pile of drying bones if we hadn't come along. I'm sure he'll be feeling great and back to smuggling drugs again in no time!

Here's a truck load of dope that men from my team intercepted. Some estimates put the value at over a million bucks. The local cops helped out with this one.
Group shot of about half the people there. This didn't include base camp staff.
That's all for now!
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